Standard Texts Used for Student Use:
Insha'Allah for the 2010 2011 semester year students
will use the standard text as reference, but will also have curriculum specific handouts for the year. Books may be
bought online or rented from Sr. Mahasin Shamsid-deen after school has begun.
School Supply list
- Back Pack specifically for Weekend School
- Pencils
- Colored Pencils
- Crayons (K-2nd)
- Highlighter
- Notebook
- 2 inch Binder
- School Honor Code on Front Page of Binder
- Texts and Handouts
- No Candy, toys, electronic devises, cell phones, ipods, mp3, camera, etc.
- Proper Islamic Dress - dress as if coming for Salah meaning loose fitting clothing, appropriate
head coverings, appropriate length, clean, no vulgar t-shirts.
- Proper Islamic attitude to receive the learning
Primary: Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
MSC Created Workbook
Iqra Kindergarten Curriculum
My Little Quran
Elementary: Grade 3 to Grade 5
Our Faith & Worship -
Elementary level Vol I & II
Juz 'Amma 30
Holy Quran
Middle School - Grades 6 and 7
Islamic Aqidah and Fiqh by Aisha Lemu
Juz 'Amma 30
Holy Quran
Junior & Senior High -Grades 8th to 12
Islamic Tahdhib and Akhlaq by
Aisha B. Lemu
The Holy Quran
Book of 40 Hadith
All Students for Arabic
Learning to read Arabic for beginners - 36 pages, Adobe Acrobat 5 document (size = 4.65mb) - this book begins with
the Arabic alphabet ((alif, baa, taa...)) moving on to diacritics ((fat.hah, kasrah, dhammah...)), then word constructions,
ultimately leading the student to be able to read Arabic, and most importantly - the Noble Qur.aan, inshaa.-Allaah.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter