Mission Statement
The mission of Mohammed
Schools is to provide an
education based on Qur’anic principles
and their Universal application.
Our goal is to teach all students to accept
their G-d-given responsibilities and full potential,
as we provide a nurturing environment
that engages students in discovery
and critical thinking.
We strive to develop a cooperative partnership among
students, family and community
in creating a dynamic, prosperous, G-d conscious
community of enlightened leaders and
effective global citizen.
Goals of the Mohammed School Consortium of Richmond
To cultivate in our students the conscious awareness of the Reality of Allah
and the Oneness of G-d (Tauhid).
To encourage G-d Consciousness and Regardfulness (Taqwa) and to nurture Islamic character development based upon Qur’anic
principles and the example of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
To assistant and inspire students to excellence in academic achievement.
To develop students’ awareness of their responsibility to themselves, their family and community to take full
advantage of educational opportunities provided.
To ensure a safe and nurturing environment for students.
To develop an appreciation for the value of religion in human life and for Al-Islam
as a total system of life for man and society.